Mutaabik - a data platform for India’s vibrant policy environment.

A lot of people have asked me – “What does the Semantic Web mean, really?

Let’s wind the clock back a few years (or maybe a bit more) to 1999, around the time when the World Wide Web came to be. Its founder was explaining the vision of an “intelligent” web with agents powered by a “global database”.

Information Technology is a force to be reckoned with, and the World Wide Web Consortium has an unmissable role to play in this endeavour through open standards, ontologies, and open documentation – it is unrivalled in its scientific spirit for knowledge sharing.

Enter Mutaabik, a realisation of this vision for Indian law and policy

It is trite knowledge that legal order, rule of law and constitutional morality have many more custodians and participants than traditional state institutions.

The law is not merely what the enactments and caselaws or precedents say, it has a rich history of contribution from diverse actors.

Mutaabik is a platform that helps us realise our potential as a linked data store. By coming together, organisations such as ours can band together for a fairer compensation from (often blackboxed) AI companies who scrape our content.

Hence, Schematise Lex Data Analysis (“SLDA”) is proud to present a Linked Open Data store in the form of a Wikidata instance. Developers seeking algorithmic access can neatly incorporate the database into their workflows using the SPARQL Query Endpoint. It will hence ensure transparency of access to a rich trove of data with terms that we can dictate through mutual consensus. (And you can choose your own license for the data you contribute!)

SLDA leads by example by providing access to its own data (contract clauses and their respective judicial sentiments/discussions) extracted from Indian judgments (the ICAT dataset). It also provides access to compliance obligations under the Rules framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

To browse through or query Mutaabik’s repository simply click on the following link and follow the instructions on the home page -

As an organisation or individual with the ability to contribute with their data, you can reach out to me on

You can even interact with the database and recommend additions. The current schema/database design looks more or less like this (see picture below), and you can propose how you want to add to this model with your mind map, at any level or addition.

You only stand to gain with more visibility for your outputs and data rich resources on a platform that can be revolutionary if we stand together for the sake of knowledge and as custodians of law and policy in good stead.

Schema/Database design for the Wikidata instance